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jeudi 27 novembre 2014

Get 3$ every day for 15 clicks with "libertagia mondial"

  1. LibertaGia Mondial is a technology company working internationally which main goal is to develop apps that will solve common problems in people’s lifes. We want to integrate the necessary technology for everyone to perform professional, personal and social activities just in one place. We call this utility!

mercredi 26 novembre 2014

How To Get Paid With Your Digital Camera

Looking for extra income?
If you have a digital camera and internet access, this is your answer.
These days digital cameras take all the work out of taking pictures. It is basically point and shoot. The quality of the images are nothing short of incredible.
If you are like me, I am always looking to make extra money to buy the latest gadget. Maybe you want a new car, and need help with the notes.
Why not get paid with your digital camera.
Did you know that it is possible to upload your prized pics, and get paid for them time and time again?
Think about all the web sites, magazine, print ads, wall portraits you see everywhere. Some one had to take them. Would you be surprised to know that everyday people like yourselves, have taken some of those pictures?
It's true, there are a ton of places to sell them online. All you need is a digital camera and internet connection, and some free time to take pictures.
Here's the best part. Once you up load these picture, EVERYTIME they are downloaded; you get paid! Its like writing a book, or recording a song. You get paid royalties on all of your digital pics.
What I found out by doing this, is its really good money. Maybe more than your job pays you. I also found out its FUN. I have found it to bring out a creative side in myself, that I didn't know existed.
It is quite easy to turn something like this into a business.
So once again if you have a digital camera and access to the internet, and want to get paid with your digital camera; its as easy as one ...two...three.
For these easy steps and many other things to get you off and running read more here [http://www.get-paid-at-home.com/camera.htm].
Dwayne Johnson is a contributing editor at http://get-paid-at-home.complease visit the site for more tips and resources.                                  Read more

mardi 25 novembre 2014

Wedding Photo Editing - Some Photoshop Ideas to Make Your Wedding Pictures Glamorous

Weddings are indeed one of the happiest moments a person can have in his or her life. Of course, walking down the aisle with the man you love is just one happy moment, with all the friends and families gathered together to celebrate and for sure, you would want your pictures to be of best quality to make the event much lovelier to remember.
However, it is a fact that we don't have the control of what our wedding pictures may come out in the end. You probably want some background eliminated, or you want to enhance the colors of your pictures or you want the color of your bouquet pop up in the photo like it is real, you can always find for a wedding photo editing. What is nicer is that, you can actually do it at home.
One of the most popular programs to help you glamour up your photos is Adobe Photoshop, and you can actually learn it at home. If you really want to save more cost in hiring a Photoshop expert, you can easily learn photo editing at home. Here are some ideas that you might want to do with your wedding photos and make them glamorous.
- Stick to simple editing. When it comes to wedding photo editing, the simpler it is, the better. You don't have to change the background to a more sophisticated one that guests won't recognize. It is also wise to stick with the background but you can blur it a little if you really don't like the background messing up your wedding kiss. You may also want to airbrush some distractions at the back but always stick to simple editing that will enhance the pictures and not make it something like a ad poster.
- In wedding photo editing, the most common styles and effects that add glamour and beauty to your photos are turning your pictures into black and white or sepia which adds drama to your photos and fixing the focus of your photos. If you had a picture that is focused on the background rather than the subject, you can make use of the Gaussian blur menu on Photoshop and blur the background a little more to make the subject pop up in the picture.
You may also add a little dreamy effect on the subject to make the photo more elegant, but remember not to overdo the blurring, as it may not also come out nice. 
- The vignette is also another effect that can be done in wedding photo editing. It is helpful in drawing the attention of the viewer to the subject by lightening the edges of the photo - which is a good effect if you want to get the viewer's attention to the newlyweds in a wedding photo.
You can also turn a photo into black and white and retain a portion colored. A reception table adorned with beautiful centerpieces and floral arrangement, for example, can be turned into as black and white retaining the centerpieces colored to make its color pop out of the picture.
Indeed, there are many possibilities to make your wedding photos glamorous and you can do it by yourself also. Of course, by learning how to make use of some simple tools in Adobe Photoshop. 
Carolyn Anderson loves photo editing with Photoshop and loves to edit photos in her free time. If you want to learn Photoshop and editing your own wedding pictures yourself, check out Photoshop For Newbies. Also check out Digital Photography Success, a good guide to digital photography and in making professional looking photos.                                                                                            Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carolyn_Anderson.                                                Buy now

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3163318